October 30, 2014

Stencil Week 43

this is my page for
journal52 ,week 43 , stencil

black & white gesso , fiber paste

Twinkle, twinkle little bat.
How i wonder what you're at!
Up above the world you fly, like a tea-tray in the sky.

my Bat

October 29, 2014

Halloween Deco

most off the kids loved it  and everybody liked the decoration, missing complete ;)

and this from the evening 
dinner the taste was better then it looks

the meatloaf with mach potatoes was Delicious 

some brain power

i watch yo

boiling apple

he got all the attention

Halloween is only one moment away , so we started some deco;) so much fun 
i hope the kids are not to scared and come to the house:)

Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
as thought it were a slightly our sweet.
Let terror , then, be turned into  a treat...
                         N. Gordon

I saw this on pinterest , so cool,i had to do it :)

almost done  ...

scared of crows

my Plant is under her dress;)


waiting for something to boil

October 24, 2014


Technique -Paper
i choose Monzartkugeln , Monzartbonbon
Created by the Salzburg confectioner and named after W.A.Mozart

October 16, 2014

Tea time

Tea time a page for journal 52
week 41 Mosaik
With Gesso ,tea bags , lnk and so much more

October 9, 2014

Kalender - calendar

seit ihr bereit für das naeste Jahr ;)
ok we have quite some time left ;) but  the last calendar sheet is done
have a nice crafty weekend