April 29, 2015

Field off Sunflower

Today i was in the field and brought you some sunflower ;)

A garden of Sunflower beckoned to me -

Come join us, my lady, and joyous you'll be! 

We're large ones and small ones, some dainty and fair,

And even some delicate to wear in your hair. 

We follow the sun, swaying slowly without a care,

We have a new dance that with you we will share. 

Gently hold onto our leaves, allow us to lead the way,

To our Sunflower two-step, dancing throughout the day. 

I couldn't resist them, so dandy a sight!

So off I did go in my Sunflower flight. 

What a glorious time, right up til twilight,

And then I had to bid my Sunflowers good-night. 

So happy were we, a long day filled with fun,

Upon leaving I kissed them, each and every one. 

So tender the moment, as I turned to leave.

With eyes brimmed with tears, could I truly believe? 

OH! It was so true!! I then knew it to be!!!

I had to smile, 'cause they were all winking at me!!!! 

~Author Unknown~

April 24, 2015


I wish you a Happy Weekend;)
I made this Inventation - card for a bridal shower the
theme is travel

April 21, 2015

home sweet home

Vacation ,vacation ... you can not get enough ;)
we just came back from Germany this time it was pretty cold
we always complaining its to hot in florida but to cold its not so much fun either:)
i guess the weather will never be right! But the family will ;)

hier einige Bilder
Griebenow Church

Greifswald die dicke Marie

Greifswald am Hafen

Greifswald Frühblüher am Wall

Leipzig Stausee

Leipzig am Markt

Und immer wieder gern genommen ...

